

Let’s pretend we’re at a medieval castle, patiently waiting for our wizard to arrive at sunset. Upon every hour we check to see if our wizard has arrived. We could represent this as a piece of code. More specifically, we could write this as a while loop. Let’s assume the sun sets around 7pm, and we start waiting on the beach at 5pm.

sunset = 7
current_time = 5

We create a variable called sunset and give it the value 7. We do the same for current_time and set it to 5.

while current_time <= sunset do
  puts "Still waiting for the wizard."
  puts "It’s now #{current_time} o’clock"
  current_time = current_time + 1
puts "The wizard has arrived!"

This while loop would result in this output:

Still waiting for the wizard. It’s now 5 o’clock
Still waiting for the wizard. It’s now 6 o’clock
Still waiting for the wizard. It’s now 7 o’clock
The wizard has arrived!

1) What’s the current value of the current_time variable?